Adapt Solutions Wheelchair Power Pull Into Van

Click For Large ViewThe POWER-PULL is designed to help a wheelchair up the ramp of a lowered floor minivan.  Pick up the POWER-PULL hooks and position the wheelchair in front of the ramp.  Place the hooks on the wheelchair and then press and hold the IN button.  It’s as simple as that.

Because there are so many factors that can increase the difficulty in wheeling up or down the ram of a converter vehicle, a simplified assistive device can offer that little extra needed help.  With the ease of a wireless remote, and because the POWER-PULL can be reached from outside the vehicle, independence becomes within reach

Click For Large ViewThe POWER-PULL is available for both side and rear entry lowered floor minivan conversions.  The unit comes with two wireless/keychain remotes with IN, OUT and RELEASE buttons.  The RELEASE button allows the cable to unwind freely making positioning and adjustments that much easier.

The Power-Pull has a 350 lbs maximum capacity and has 15 feet of stainless steel cable.  The Power-Pull unit is 6" high by 9" wide by 12" long.  While exiting the vehicle, the Power-Pull can be used to provide steady tension to you back down the ramp.  In the event that your wheelchair stops its descent because it is hooked on the ramp, the unique clutch system disengages the motor even if the OUT button is being held. This means that when the wheelchair is straightened out, there is no slack in the cable, therefore, no uncontrolled rolling back down the ramp.

Safety is something we all expect when looking at mobility solutions.  Adapt-Solutions is proud to be the first seating manufacturer to participate in the FMVSS Compliance Review Program in the industry.  This means we are willing to prove the hard work we put into the safest and most reliable products possible.  Safety is not just a word we print in our brochures.  It is not just an idea.  It is a reality.

Power Pull Brochure

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