Pride Viva Elegance Collection Lift Chair


A truly elegant, sophistacted lift chair recliner is more than just physically alluring It's the precise combination of function, style and comfort.  The Elegance Collection from VivaLift!® Power Recliners is all of these and more, providing a cozy place to relax with your family.

The soft fabric and contrast stitching makes this recliner the perfect addition in your home. The remote offers soft-touch buttons, each with an independent function. Find your most comfortable position at the touch of a button while sharing a moment with your loved ones. The remote also features a USB charging port, so you can keep your tablet or cell phone fully charged and ready for use. Experiance the sophistication and class of the Elegance collection from VivaLift!®

Pride® FDA Class II Medical Devices are designed to aid individuals with mobility impairments.

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