Sure Grip Push/Right Angle Hand Controls
Unlike other Push Right/Angle controls, the Sure Grip Push Right/Angle’s body doesn’t pivot or move when the accelerator is applied. The pivot point for the Sure Grip control is on the left-hand side of the wheel, and only the handle pivots. A stationary main body has many benefits for the driver including:
Increased leg room for getting in and out of the vehicle, as many installs allow brake rod to pass through the dash
Full acceleration without the control hitting the drivers lap
Greater two-handed contact with the steering wheel due to the shortened stroke of the handle
In addition to the benefits enjoyed as a result of the stationary main body, drivers will also appreciate the other features that Sure Grip’s Push Right/Angle offers including:
Superior pedal feel, with constant acceleration and no “dead spots”
Lower fatigue while driving
Limited modifications to the vehicles dash
Sure-Grip Push/Right Angle - Right Hand
Unlike other Push/Right Angle controls, the Sure Grip Push/Right, right-hand side, does not pivot or move when the accelerator is applied. The pivot point for the Sure Grip control is on the right hand side of the wheel, and only the handle pivots. A stationary main body has many benefits for the driver including:
Stationary brake rod
No “in your lap” issues
Extremely short throw
Same easy installation you’ve come to appreciate from Sure Grip
Meets all requirements for generic Right-Angle recommendation
Sure-Grip Push/Right Angle Brochure
AutoLock is an accelerator lock out device that comes standard on all of Sure Grip’s hand controls, and is an added safety feature for the driver or those that share the vehicle. With the push of a button or knob, the accelerator function of the hand control can be disabled and help prevent accidents through misuse of the control by mechanics, valets or any other unqualified user. AutoLock is available in both electronic and manual formats.
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